Community Benefit Application Guidelines


  • Guthrie’s Community Benefit Grant Program will only consider projects which address:
    • Identified areas of need within the community based on the Community Health Needs Assessment. The following are the areas identified for fiscal years 2023-2025:
      • 心理健康 & 物质使用障碍
      • Obesity (including childhood obesity)
      • 癌症筛查 & Prevention (including tobacco cessation)
  • Priority is given to projects that demonstrate the following:
    • Projects that leverage additional resources through grants or other outside funding resources
    • Projects that will address the needs in one or all of the 12 counties included in Guthrie's service area
    • Projects that address prevention or a systematic approach will be preferred
    • Projects that have measureable goals and the greatest potential to be self-sustaining
  • Applicants must be a 501(c)3 organization
  • Guthrie’s Community Benefit Grant Program does NOT provide funding for:
    • Financing for organizational debt relief or indirect costs (including building rent, 保险, 公用事业公司, 等)
    • Personnel benefits, vacation time, 残疾 保险 (salary would not be permissible)
    • Programs that further religious causes or political activities
    • Sponsorship of fundraising events. (Guthrie occasionally sponsors these types of community events as part of targeted marketing efforts to raise awareness about Guthrie in key service areas.  These are not supported through Guthrie’s Community Benefit Grants program.)
    • Marketing programs aimed at increasing public awareness of an individual organization's brand
    • Programs that discriminate based on race, 宗教, 皮肤的颜色, 性别, 国家的起源, 残疾, sexual orientation and/or marital status
    • Programs or projects benefiting a specific individual


  • 申请资助, 点击这里 to access the application for Guthrie’s Community Benefit Grants.  Please attach additional sheets or information as needed.
  • The grant process is based on a fiscal year starting July 1 and ending June 30.  Available Grant monies may vary from year to year. 
  • Please submit only one grant request per fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), per organization
  • Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and evaluated quarterly.
    • Application must be submitted on or before the dates below to be considered for a quarter's award cycle. Grant application deadlines:
      • 2024财年第四季度:2024年4月1日
      • 第一季度:2024年7月1日
      • 第二季度:2024年10月1日
  • You will receive a letter to inform you of the result of your application.  Funds will be available to all successful candidates within 90 days of committee approval.


As part of the funding terms, Guthrie requires the following commitment from Grant recipients:

  • Annual update or report on the program/project to be submitted no later than 3 months following the end of the Guthrie fiscal year. This report should include a description of the outcomes or actions implemented with awarded funds. 另外, the report should include an evaluation of these outcomes or actions and any recommendations.
  • Involvement in a Guthrie annual survey, if requested
  • Acknowledgement of Guthrie in public information about the program/project.  Guthrie may promote your program/project in its communications (Annual Report, 网站, 通讯, 等.)